Rod Kelly

Rod Kelly Silver Items for Sale

ROD KELLY is one of the UK’s leading silversmiths; he specializes in low relief chasing often inlaying the chased details in fine gold. His images are derived from his interest in the beautiful countryside surrounding him in Norfolk and inspired by his many trips to the Shetland Islands, where he now has a workshop. His designs are based upon drawn sketches; the lines translated in to shapes and patterns often found chased in low relief on his specially commissioned pieces. Since leaving the Royal College of Art in 1983 where he gained a Masters Degree he has tended to work to commission, first from a studio in London then from a workshop in the garden of his Norfolk home. He makes all of the forms himself using the traditional techniques of silversmithing, often hand raising (hammering) large pieces of silver to produce high quality pieces of functional silver. His work can be found in many public and private collections including The V&A Museum, No. 10 Downing Street, The Royal Mint, St Paul’s Cathedral and The Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths.

We are always interested in purchasing work by Rod Kelly

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