Christopher Lawrence

Christopher Lawrence Silver Items for Sale

Christopher Nigel Lawrence: born 1936. Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths.Born in Cumberland then moved to Essex where his scout master was Norman Vander who arranged a factory visit. At 13 he decided he wanted to be a silversmith and his father gave him a workshop at the bottom of the garden. At 15 he was an apprenticed to C J Vander as a tray maker and flat hammer man. Studied at the Central School of Arts and Crafts, London. When he was 21 he moved to R E Stone where he worked for 2 years with many fine craftsmen as everything here was hand made and he learnt how to hand raise with the hammer. He later spent 8 years as Gerald Benney's workshop manager before setting up by himself, again in a small garden workshop in the late 1960's. Four months later he opened his own design studio and workshop in Leigh-on Sea and as things improved he employed 9 silversmiths. Following the recession he closed the workshop and spent more time designing and making himself rather than just managing a larger business. He moved to Southend and again had a workshop in his garden. He went on to win 28 prizes in the Goldsmiths' Craft Council competitions and 3 Jacques Cartier Memorial Awards. In 1973 he held a one-man exhibition at Goldsmith's Hall when Graham Hughes said "it was his silver tableware that astonished visitors." During the 1970's he also did some design work for his old employer C J Vander. In the mid 1970's he produced some limited edition pieces for Jean Renet, 1 Old Bond Street, London following a one-man exhibition in 1970. Lives in Essex and is a member of the Institute of Professional Goldsmiths.

For an extended biography and more illustrations of his work, see a full chapter on CHRISTOPHER LAWRENCE in my book:
DESIGNER BRITISH SILVER - from Studios Established 1930-1985

We are always interested in purchasing work by CHRISTOPHER LAWRENCE

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Christopher Lawrence
Christopher Lawrence
Christopher Lawrence
Christopher Lawrence
Christopher Lawrence
Christopher Lawrence
Christopher Lawrence
Christopher Lawrence
Christopher Lawrence
Christopher Lawrence
Christopher Lawrence
Christopher Lawrence
Christopher Lawrence
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Christopher Lawrence
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Christopher Lawrence
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